Wednesday, November 5, 2008

From the Heart

Hey bloggers,

Have I mentioned you will get sick of my gut wrenching tales from the heart? Ok, so they may not be gut wrenching but they may get annoying. But hey, you gotta let it out somehow, right?

Tonight is all about imagination. It's about letting go of the past and finding your prince charming- even if he is just a dream. Correct me if I'm wrong, but most girls dream of finding true love. Ladies, I'm guilty as charged. I always imagined that my prince would come and rescue me. He would appear in my time of need and sweep me away to happily ever after. That was my fairy tale. Little did I know my fairy tale did happen, but with a not so happily ever after.

This boy- no, sorry, man- popped out of nowhere when I was in my time of desperation. I had hit rock bottom. And he just appeared out of nowhere. Not once thinking about himself, he did everything for me to get me back on my feet. When I was in school, he would come get me and take me to my favorite coffee shop and sit there with me, patiently listening to my pitiful cries of how much I needed my boyfriend back. He gained my full trust. Yet I never did see him as more than a friend. Eight long months passed by and yet nothing changed. At least, not that I knew of. But what really happened was I fell in love with him. He left for a week leaving me alone and to myself. Which is when I realized what he truly meant to me. How dependent I was of him. I fell head over heals. I fell hard. When he came back, things were different, but not a bad different. I knew that him leaving was good for us because I missed him. And I now knew I wanted to be with him. Until one night after we saw a movie, he walked me to my house and gave me a hug. And as I walked away he gently grabbed me and pulled me back and kissed me. It was the most amazing kiss, the shaky knees and world disappearing around you kind of kiss. From then on we were together. For me, it was meant to be. I felt my puzzle had been put together. I was wrong.

You can now guess what happened next, assuming you read my other posts. Although I felt a lot of hatred towards him before, I know see that he had to do it. Leaving me was not something easy (apparently), but it was something that had to be done. A mistake that had to be made, according to him. Although what is coming next is definitely, 100% romantic fantasy, he waited for me for 8 months. Maybe it's my turn to wait. But I won't let life pass me by. As long as he knows I will always love him and support him, that's all that matters. And of course that he's happy. But that was a given. 

Well that's my story, but it's only the beginning and I can't wait to see what lies ahead. 


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