Thursday, November 20, 2008

Game Over.

As hard as it is to let someone go, sometimes it has to be done. Especially if they are trying to make you look like the bad guy. But you know what, I know I wasn't. Dating someone older is (for me) suppose to be better because they are closer to the same level of maturity, I guess I was wrong. Power tripping and playing the age card does not contribute to a good healthy relationship. And experience, experience is not something you acquire with age. The older you are gives you the greater opportunity for maximum experience yet it does not guarantee that you'll learn anything from it. It comes with maturity. Experience does not mean that things need to happen directly to you, you can have 1st,2nd,3rd hand experience as long as you take something from it.

Being told what to think and feel does not help either. It only makes things worse. If you just sit and listen and not be so defensive, you might just learn something. Close your mouth and open your eyes, maybe you can gain some experience by what others have to say. Don't push people away especially if you care so much about, so you say. If you can stand in front of the mirror and count backwards from 10, then alright, but if you can't stand yourself for ten whole seconds, then you have a problem and you need to let others in even though it seems like the hardest thing to do. You should never be alone. surround yourself with people that love you. Especially me. But only if you're willing to work at it.

Everything that was said was predictable. They care, but are too afraid to try and fix it because they have other things to deal with. Well, there are other options other than leaving someone just like that. But I've said all that needs to be said about that.

You know I'm right, and I know you know I'm right. Answering my questions by questioning me, by telling me to watch myself, what are you my father? I obliged and called as was asked. Don't tell me you can hang up like it's a privileged to talk to you.

I miss you,
but I can't go on like this.
You're dragging out a stupid and confusing situation.
So I want you to live your life
like I'm not coming back.